Sunday, September 28, 2014

What's in a name?

                    When I began this blog a month ago, my old blog about motherhood and homeschooling had disappeared, and I needed a new place to post my thoughts. Instead of picking up where I left off, it seemed like the perfect time to look to the future and create a new space to hold everything about me. Motherhood and a homeschooling aren't the only aspects of who I am. I like to write about everything. And as a brand new blog no one reads this anyway except my closest friends (thanks Lenny!), so I thought, "what matters most?" and the answer is... getting back to being an overly emotional, wildly passionate, crazy about organic life, and stopping at nothing to be healthy again. So I decided to call my new journal Wildly Organic Healthy. Over the top? Yes, and I love it!
                After finding out about a small nodule on my thyroid which was malignant and having the organ removed completely, I then learning that I had a bladder condition classified as the first stage of cancer, and my life really changed. Being a little relaxed about my health was no longer an option. I have three little boys and my health is deteriorating rapidly. So right now I am determined to make the most of life and become wildly organic and healthy. Not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. This is my life now and I accept the challenge ahead. As I began typing the paragraph below I realized that folks may start to read "me" one day and this is not a blog about recipes and tips about organic living (although I love writing those thoughts and I'm sure they'll make their way onto here), but more importantly, this blog is about my journey and who I am... and I think the title tells it all.

                                      On October 10th we move to Tiffany Hills, a beautiful community in north Kansas City. When we moved from Florida to KC two years go I hoped this would be a bigger and better step to homesteading, homeschooling, and living a holistic organic life in simple middle America. I thought life was just beginning for our young family; a new start for us. But all at once everything went wrong. Mild health issues turned into monsters, marriage issues were made a million times worse by stress. We hated our house, which was 60+ years and had never been inspected. I thought it was inspected or I would not have moved into such a shaky home. So many problems were brought to light because we were forced to deal with them head on, and although it was painful, nothing could have been better in the long run.
                             We are packing for the move and are getting rid of clutter and all of the things we have collected in two years, which is a lot more than I had realized. All of this stuff, the closets packed full of things I thought we might need one day, were weighing me down. I felt heavy and sometimes paralyzed by the cleaning and organizing it took just to keep it fairly livable. My oldest son told me not too long ago that I had always kept our other houses so clean and this house was just too big for me to be the neat freak I love being. He's right. As we haul bags and boxes out to the dumpster I feel a sense of relief. Every closet and cabinet which emptied out lifts a little more of that weight off my shoulders. Deciding what is important and what I don't need or want is teaching me so much about myself. I need my kids. I need my husband. I need life surrounding me, like lots and lots of plants and pets. I need my binders because I turn every project and idea into a book full of pamphlets, notes, maps and ideas on paper. I love papers and notes and written journals. I have a Homeschool Inspiration and Encouragement Binder, A Homeschool Binder, A Food Recipe Binder, and Natural Home Recipe Binder, and a Mom Binder. I also have multitudes of Smash books. I have my art supplies and sketch books as well as multi-media books. My school books and field guides are like gold to me and I keep a binder of things I find in nature and sketches of insects and wildflowers, leaves and trees. These are the culmination of my life's work as a student of nature and a homeschooling mom. These are my treasures. Salt lamps, diffusers, candles, homemade things and gifts, baskets and woven blankets, and most importantly, my essential oils collection. My art supplies and my kids art, craft and nature supplies. And my new favorite things, games to play as a family. Clue for family game night It's a new thing we do. After getting burglarized we needed a happy weekly family night to remind each other that we have each other and no one can take that from us.
What does that say about me?  Maybe that my life is not as healthful and wildly organic as some, but it's important to me and I am super excited to share this journey through my blog. We are moving and what we choose to bring with us says so much about who we are, but the joy of looking to a better future says even more, right?
Thanks for reading,

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Somethin' Serious

                  As I make the pilgrimage through three events in my life my hope is to connect with others who may feel alone while living with similar issues or to spread knowledge to those ignorant of what our family works through on a daily basis.
                  My second son was born a normal, healthy baby boy. Somewhere along the way he became sick. Not physically ill, but has been diagnosed with autism, PTSD, and has all the signs of being diagnosed with a more serious mental health problem which we are trying to avoid through intense therapy. Although there is no one "thing" that caused all of this, a behavioral therapist gave us a list of possible reasons why, why my little boy was chosen to face this hardship in life. The list begins with my son's weakened immune system combined with the older recommended vaccine schedule being forced on him by doctors with limited training on the harmful effects of mass vaccination. As someone who deals with pain and illness on a regular basis I can say that I would much rather have my son become sick with chicken pox or whooping cough and recover with our organic lifestyle, than to suffer the rest of his life with all of "this."
                So the story starts with a burst aneurysm. My husband and little man's father had a dissected aortic aneurysm about 5 years ago. While I was in the hospital caring for this man who couldn't walk, feed himself, or lift a telephone without help, child protective services showed up at my door. At the time we did not belong to HLDA (simply put, we didn't have lawyers to protect us from these people like we do now) and my family, who was at the house did what any unknowing sane person would do. The state was let into our lives. I've learned since then that others did not have this happen to them which means someone had to call in a complaint. And since we had so many people in our lives at the time we could not trust, I have no idea who it could have been. All I can tell you about that time is that I used every last bit of strength to keep it together, protect everyone I loved, and keep my mouth shut as much as I could, and simply dealt with the situation at hand. My life was falling apart. For a month the surgeons at the Mayo clinic comforted me as I was reminded with each release form I signed that his chances of surviving were limited. Faith in a God bigger than me comforted me when I began to think that I could be a widow with three children at the age of 29. And the few times I was alone I practiced wrapping a belt around the rod in my closet because I needed to be ready to die if one more person heaped their crap on my head. Specifically I remember calling for help only once (this was after CPS showed so I know the person who helped me on the other end of that phone couldn't have reported me). I was sobbing, seconds away from ending everything, and called for help, for someone to talk me out of ending it all while my parents had my kids and my husband sat alone in the ICU. It was one of the lowest points of my life and I did nothing to deserve it. So please, make sure that you know the facts before calling child protective services on a family because had my kids been taken from me because of someone else's mistake, I would have fought back and I would have won. And whoever tried to destroy my family as we were fighting for our lives would have had a higher Judge to answer to. That's that.
             Next... I mentioned my child with severe mental & emotional problems and autism. So we were at the store less than a mile from our home. I stopped on the way home to buy treats for my boys because they had behaved and that's what type of mom I am. I parked in front of the big double glass doors, brought my youngest child in with me and left my middle son in the car with my oldest. My mentally ill son took a bottle of febreeze I kept in the car (before I knew how toxic that crap is) and sprayed my oldest son in the face. I immediately came out to the car, spanked my middle child's hand before rushing my oldest into the store as he screamed "I need water!" for his eyes, which had gotten sprayed. As I brought him back out to the car and attempted to get my family the half mile up the road to our home, a middle-aged woman decided to very obviously come up to the back of my mini-van and write down the plate numbers with a scowl on her face. Instead of asking if I needed help or even speaking to me at all, she got back in her car and drove off. Low and behold CPS shows up again. And again, I thought I had to let them into my life in order to prove I was a good mom to the state. Big mistake... NEVER let them into your home. If you homeschool I highly recommend paying for the HSLDA membership. After the woman checked our home and our pantry she promptly apologized and left. The wife of the pastor at our church told me around that time that I was known in our church as somewhat of a "Supermom." Then why does CPS keep bothering me and not the parents who actually need to be bothered?
                Finally, the straw that breaks the camels back... yesterday. We are getting ready to move. I have serious health problems which are made a million times worse when I spend all day on my feet or do any hard labor. So the day before I spent about 8 hours harvesting, cooking and canning the pumpkins and spaghetti squash I had spent 6 months caring for. I am not leaving the hard work behind simply because we are moving. Yesterday, like clockwork, I spent the morning vomiting and bleeding. I don't like to scare my children with this, so I wait until I am somewhat "better" before leaving the camper and heading up to the main house. My middle child stays locked in his room until I can watch him- for his safety and protection. Like a child with severe mental health problems he screams, like really, really loud. I was bleeding and feeling pretty weak, but heard my child screaming and knew something was wrong. My youngest had let him our of his bedroom in order to play. My middle child started screaming like a madman in order to get attention, because that's what he does. So I manage to make it up to the house, while still pretty sick, and found that absolutely nothing was wrong, my son was simply acting out his illness in a very loud manner. As I worked my way up to the home my grouchy neighbor stood close to our property line, arms crossed, glaring at me as if I was running an abusive household. Wtf? Does having a sick child does not make me a bad mother? And apparently she didn't seem to be bothered when I needed to run out of the camper in order to get sick twice that morning, but when she thought she might get the chance to call someone to report me to, she was standing as the hero at the end of her yard.

                So here's what I'm getting at... there are people "out there" who need help from the state. They truly cannot care for their children and need help. Children in this country are living in condemnable homes with neglectful parents and they need help as well. But, if you see a mother who is struggling, or a mother that may be holding her family together by a string, please don't call the state. Before calling to try to destroy this mother and her efforts to care for her family, maybe talk to her first. I will be the first to extend my knowledge and understanding heart and words to educate ANYONE on the facts of either my current situation or why my son is screaming like person being murdered. Knowledge is power.
                Today I am at peace with what happened yesterday. But yesterday I wanted to scream and cry and call my appointed lawyer on speed dial as a pre-emptive strike. I actually got to meet one of men fighting for Missouri homeschoolers at the convention. He prayed with me and my husband and gave us some valuable information and encouragement. In the end, I figured I would wait it out and if someone was sent to our home, decide what to do then. I am too sick and I get too tired. Let them take him. Take me. Or call my lawyer. I don't know what I'll do. So today I am wildly organic and working towards being healthy. So is my family and so is my son. I trust that good will overcome and all of our efforts and our fighting to keep our family together despite unfair-ness, will prevail.

Thanks for reading,

Thursday, September 18, 2014

What would I do with a day to myself?

This summer I lived in a camper. It was on our property so my kids could take turns spending nights with me and get some one-on-one time with mom in a really fun way. Nevertheless, I moved out of my home with the intent of finding out who I am, other than a wife and a mother. Years ago I had hopes and dreams. I knew who I was and loved adding wife and mother to the resume. Until recently, when a dear friend asked me what I would do if I had an entire day to myself?  My answer to him was "I guess I would clean my house or lesson plan." The hopes and dreams and goals had vanished over years of being a stay at home mom, through many homeschool groups and church committees and volunteer opportunities. I homeschool my three boys and have for seven years now. I learned to be a faithful wife as I cared for my husband through thick and thin, and vise versa. I didn't know anything about myself other than if my husband and my kids were to disappear, so would I... I would never find my way back.

Late June of this year I had a wake-up call. Not important what it was, only that it almost broke me. Everything I worked to build meant nothing to me. I wanted to get in the car and drive... I just wanted to leave my life. Instead we bought the camper.
                              I enrolled in a course over the summer which led to a renewed passion for life outside the four walls of my house, and into the woods. I am earning my degree as a student of nature. That's right, I am going to be a naturalist. I will work with the department of conservation in creating better children's programs to hopefully connect kids with wildlife in a new way, actually an old way that has been lost. Lost in a world of technology and playgrounds and theme parks. I hope to bring back the fun I had as a kid hiding under leaf piles waiting for my brothers to find me... noticing the interesting little critter crawling across my path. Swimming in the lakes near my home with a boy I loved as a kid. Some kids know these ways, but many don't. I hope to share stories and routines with them that may guide a new generation to a lost way of life.
                          I am proud to write that I know who I am again as my bare feet touch the ground and my hands reach to the sky in a morning sun salutation. I step out of the camper and love looking at each blade of grass as I walk back up to the house. I am a mother, and a child of Father God and the nurturing Mother Earth. I am a wife, a woman who loves a man. And loving a person through hard times isn't a sign of weakness as the world once told me, but a sign of tremendous strength. This summer I thought nothing more of myself than a possession, easily disposed of should anyone in my life leave me. So I left to find my strength. And as my husband will attest, I am a beautiful, brave, intelligent person, who has sacrificed everything for him and my children. I am not sorry for those sacrifices, only for letting myself disappear in the process of caring for my family. I couldn't expressed this a few months ago. I didn't know that I could be and individual and still give all my heart to these wonderful people I live with. 
                                     I have discovered a missing piece, long forgotten. I have a passion for the earth, getting my hands dirty, reading field guides as treasures passed on to me by my ancient ancestors. I love Hatha yoga, working in my home apothecary filled with oils and tinctures and dries plants and herbs, and I find myself most when writing in my journals. I am so much more than I remembered the beginning of the summer. I thought I wouldn't survive. My heart was crushed, I almost left my husband. (fyi, he didn't do anything wrong so I hope my post isn't alluding to that) And I knew nothing of who I am at the core.
                I am happy to end the post in the middle of a big mess, literally. I am packing up my camper, getting ready for the move into our new home next month, well on my way to getting my degree, and madly in love with the man I married. Homeschooling is a joy and lesson planning and mentoring my children is not a burden, but a dream that would crush me if taken away. I love the lifestyle homeschooling affords us, the closeness and taking part in the natural art of learning my kids work hard to achieve. I taught three people how to read. I taught these boys how to treat a woman and hold a door for one as they walk into a building at the same time. I taught them to love and the art of forgiveness as they have taught me so much more. Sometimes taking a breather is necessary. I didn't tell many people early this summer that I was separating from my husband, because I knew it was only so I could find myself and then come back to him. Neither of us doubted that the end result would be a healthier, stronger marriage. When we move to our new home on October 10th, I move back in with my dear hubby. I am nervous... what if I go back to being nothing more than a housewife? But after a few deep breaths, some yoga poses, and my essential oils to relieve me more than medicine ever could, I know that I will never lose myself in a man again. I am half of a whole and he is my best friend, as it should be... but I am an individual as well.
          So, what would I do with a day to myself? Sketch the wildflowers in my backyard. Dance around the house with lana del ray so loud the neighbors could hear the music, and work on strengthening my yoga poses while meditating on the goodness of my life. Reading the classics on my bookshelf. And maybe some lesson planning thrown in there if I need my fix of homeschooling.
Live your dreams.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Welcome Home

As a long time blogger/writer, I am more than excited to begin writing and building this new blog. For me, it's like opening a brand new journal with a pristine cover, and crisp blank pages. I am excited to see the journey within these pages, just like in my tangible paper journals. In a few years it will be such a gift to look back and read the up's and down's of my path back to health, right here in this blog. Recent years have been full of antibiotics, pain medicine, surgeries, and even radioactive iodine. Scans, x-rays and immune killing procedures.

I'm going to lay all out on the line here and let it be known up front that I am a huge believer in the health benefits of getting outside, in the sunshine and rain, connecting to the earth daily as I walk out in the grass barefoot. Reaching up to the sky and letting that spiritual energy revive me.
I enjoy yoga and deep breathing as I align my  physical body with my spirit and soul. I believe in an entity bigger than myself, I believe in unity and I believe in LOVE. Cheesy, I know. But love is at the root of healing, faith, and forgiveness. Love is the cure for poison in my soul. It's not easy, and I do need help with releasing pain, offenses, and general low feelings. I use meditation, writing, nature experiences, yoga, and aromatherapy in remaining in the loving arms of Father God and Mother Earth.
Currently, I am a Naturalist, in a several semester, 18-credit online school (yes, it's a tride and true accredited college) with hands-on training exercises, internship opportunities, and my own personal mentor from the school available to me when I need one on one encouragement or need to speak with him regarding my lessons.
In addition to my claim as a Naturalist with certification (now) and a diploma in only two (to three) short years, I am a Young Living Natural Oils wholesale member. It means I can buy oils at a wholesale price and can sell them as an independent distributor. Oh no! Not another person with a sales pitch. I am not a sales person and will not try to sell you on anything. I've sold books and I once sold bags as an independent distributor and I hated the push to sell, sell, sell. The push to have parties and encourage my friends and family to buy stuff they didn't need. And then half the deal was to try to get folks to sign up to be sellers of stuff. Just like me. It was not enjoyable and I did not enjoy sales, whether I believed in the product or not. So you can count on me to be honest in my successes and failures with natural health, organic health, and a wildly vigilant desire to be naturally healthy. Not just me, but also my family. I hope to include tincture recipes, my schedule of cleanses, and my experiences combining natural vitamins from the earth and sun and the Cave Springs woodsy hiking trails, along with nutrient dense foods and juices, and supplements raw and untouched by chemicals. I have a mini apocothary  in my home.

Here's my short story... I lived the normal American lifestyle for years. I smoked. I ate the typical diet, and I took medicines on a regular basis. Then I was introduced to living an organic and toxic free life. I became a research junkie while on bed rest during my final pregnancy. After realizing that that a drug-free birth was the most amazing experience of my life, I knew exploring the other radical options of organic living I had researched would be a wonderful idea. And in each step I took detoxing my home and body, I saw the benefits.

Then about 4 years later I began having health problems. One of them is IC, a progressive bladder disease which will eventually lead to more problems. I also had papillary thyroid cancer, but was free of that once I had it removed on April 17th of 2013. I have three amazing children and a husband. We are a homeschooling family. I live part-time in my RV, bought especially for my love of the outdoors and the camping lifestyle. Also, so I have a quiet place to study.

This is me. I am looking forward to posting more and meeting other bloggers on similar journeys as well as those with radically different lifestyles. Again. I am a research junkie and don't believe that I know everything or am doing everything the "right" way.

Love and Happiness to you my Friend,
Jackie (Jax, from here on out)